Leadership essays for college
Which Of The Following Is The Weakest Method Of Finding A Topic For A Persuasive? Essay?
Sunday, August 23, 2020
The Awakening and A Doll House Comparison Essay Essay Example for Free
The Awakening and A Doll House Comparison Essay Ladies jobs have radically changed since the late eighteenth and mid nineteenth century. During this time, ladies didn't have the opportunity to voice their conclusions and act naturally. Today ladies don’t even need to stress over the guidelines and constraints like the ladies needed to in this time. Edna in â€Å"The Awakening†by Kate Chopin and Nora in â€Å"A Doll House†by Henrik Ibsen were similar to heroes. The preliminaries they confronted were likewise fundamentally the same as. Edna and Nora were both confronted with the way that they face a severe spouse whom the two of them find and leave procedure for. For Nora this included forsaking her family and fleeing, while Edna takes the choice that Nora couldn't do-ending it all. These unmistakable writings both show how ladies had to act during their marriage and towards society during this time. â€Å"The Awakening†investigates the questionable character, Edna Pontellier’s, want to discover and live completely inside her actual self. She disturbs numerous nineteenth century desires for ladies and their alleged jobs. Defying cultural standards, Edna at last figures out how to consider herself an autonomous lady. One of her most stunning activities was her refusal of her job as a mother and spouse. She leaves her better half, Leã ³nce and takes part in an extramarital entanglements with Robert. Because of Roberts steady nearness, Edna begins to encounter a change inside herself. She starts to build up a feeling of herself all in all individual. She understands that she isn't fulfilled to just be a spouse and a mother, thus she starts to go to bat for herself to her significant other. Leã ³nce to Edna: â€Å"I can’t grant you to remain out there throughout the night. You should come in the house instantly.†Edna answers â€Å"Leà ³nce hit the hay †¦ I intend to remain around here. I don’t wish to go in and I don’t plan to. Don’t address me like that once more; sick will not answer you.†(Chopin 25). Her ability for autonomy and opportunity prompts her ignoring her significant other. She understands that she can't keep taking requests she doesn't please to follow which prompts the acknowledgment of her marriage making her miracle on the off chance that she despite everything needs to be with her better half. As Edna starts the way toward recognizing her actual self, the self that exists separated from the personality she keeps up as a spouse and mother. Out of the blue, Robert and Edna become amazingly close with one another by summers end. Reluctant to facilitate his relationship with a wedded lady, Robert leaves the nation for Mexico. Besides, Leã ³nce genuinely accepted he had no commitment to think about his kids and that it was Edna’s obligation to do as such. â€Å"If it was anything but a mother’s spot to care for the kids, whose on earth was it?†(Chopin 7). In society’s eyes, a man should have simply eyed their children monetarily while the lady bolstered them in different manners. Chopin centers around two other female characters in the story, Adele Ratignolle and Mademoiselle Reisz. These ladies are instances of how ladies ought to be in the nineteenth century. Adele was a case of a nurturing woman.†She would readily forfeit anything to think about her kids, spouse, and family, while Edna would not. Edna finds both good examples lacking and starts to see that the life of opportunity and distinction that she needs conflicts with society. In addition to the fact that society had a particular look on how a ladies ought to be, however Leã ³nce also, towards Edna. â€Å"’You are singed past recognition,†he included, taking a gander at his better half as one glances at a significant bit of individual property which has endured some damage.†This shows how Edna isn't a satisfactory shading as indicated by her husband’s wishes. Edna had explicit rules to follow and getting a â€Å"tan†gave an alternate appearance, showing that the Pontellier family wasn’t keeping up the immaculateness of their blood. Toward the start of â€Å"A Doll House,†everything appears to be well. Nora and Torvald Helmer appear to be very glad. Torvald addresses his better half in a fairly belittling manner, however she doesnt truly appear to mind. The Helmers are both energized in light of the fact that Torvald has found another line of work as the director of a bank and now cash wont be a worry. Noras old school companion, Mrs. Christine Linde, shows up trusting that Torvald may have the option to give her an occupation. Through the span of their discussion, Nora admits to Christine that she has a mystery. Nora won't disclose to Christine who she acquired cash from, however explains why she needed to get it. From the get-go in the Helmers marriage, Torvald became ill and the specialist recommended an outing south to hotter atmospheres as the best way to spare him. At that point, they didnt have the cash for such an outing. To spare Torvald‘s pride, Nora acquired cash without his insight and supported a year in Italy. So as to take care of it, shes been utilizing cash from the remittance Torvald gives her. Krogstad ends up being whom she obtained the cash from. Krogstad is enraged on the grounds that Torvald is going to fire him. He takes steps to uncover Noras wrongdoing (fashioning her father’s signature after he was dead so as to get the advance) on the off chance that he loses his employment thus beginsâ blackmailing her. Nora asks Torvald to get Krogstad back, yet denies in light of the fact that he cannot stand being around such dreadful individuals. Krogstad composes a letter to Torvald coming clean with him and leaves it in his post box. Nora occupies her significant other from understanding it. After the gathering they have, Torvald peruses the letter. He discloses to Nora that she is a horrible individual. He demands that Nora isn't to be permitted close to the kids any longer, since she may degenerate them. Torvald is extremely glad and pardons Nora in light of another letter Krogstad sends later. Nora, be that as it may, doesnt pardon Torvald. She reveals to him that she is leaving him, in light of the fact that theyve never had a genuine marriage. Shes never been in excess of a doll in hi s eyes. â€Å"NORA: I have different obligations similarly consecrated. HELMER: You don't. What obligations would they be? NORA: My obligations to myself. HELMER: You are a spouse and a mother before you are anything else†(Ibsen pg.1138). This consoles how the ladies are â€Å"chained†to what they ought to â€Å"be†and ought to â€Å"do.†She attempts to get away however he despite everything attempts to control the her from doing as such. Like Leã ³nce Pontellier, Nora’s spouse is additionally exceptionally direct with regards to Nora knowing her place. These ladies were denied their essential option to deal with themselves and had to be housewives, similar to all ladies of the nineteenth century. Taking everything into account, both Edna and Nora experience an enlivening during their mission for opportunity. The two spouses felt caught by their cultural guidelines and guidelines which didn’t permit them to be their actual selves. Edna, battling against the cultural structures of parenthood constrained her to be characterized by her title as spouse of Leã ³nce Pontellier and mother of Raoul and Etienne Pontellier, rather than being her own, self-characterized individual, made her at last break by ending it all. Nora, then again, opposed society’s standards and exited leaving her significant other and kids. Despite the fact that Edna and Nora had numerous similitudes both of their enlightenments prompted two unique goals.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Andrew Jackson, The Seventh President Of The United States, Was Born O
Andrew Jackson, the seventh leader of the United states, was conceived on March 15, 1767, in the Waxhaw settlement on the western wilderness of South Carolina. Jackson was stranded at 14 years old and was raised by his uncle. Jackson was naturally introduced to a poor family. At the point when his folks passed on, he went to live with his Uncle, who was a well off slave and land proprietor. Subsequently, Jackson moved among well off individuals and land owners, who consumed the esteem and political impact in the backwoods. So now he could perceive what the various lives between the rich and poor people, he turned out to be extremely mainstream by the ordinary citizens and furthermore was viewed as a component of the political development and he drove what was know as the Jacksonian Democracy. He could see that the wealthywere immense land proprietors or industrialized families, and poor people families were little ranchers. Jackson was the sort who needed the land to be all American. Managing the Native American strategy, he persuasively expelled southern clans from lands ensured then by government settlements and the United States Supreme Court choices. Doing this gave him incredible force and ledthe United States to a greater country, however what does that say about the United States words. As a result of them, the Indians couldn't confide in them any more. Jackson was likewise against subjugation. Indeed, even Modern history specialists see that Jackson was a huge slave proprietor and that his gathering was the adversary of free blacks and their privileges. He was so against African Americans, they denied abolitionist subjugation handouts in the United States Postal Service. I think the explanation that he enjoyed subjection so much was on the grounds that that his Uncle was a huge slave proprietor andhe found that they are extremely valuable and could help bring in cash a mess quicker and less expensive then ordinary work. On the off chance that Jackson was against subjugation, I feel that the Slavery issue would have finished significantly quicker then it did in the American History. Jackson did a great deal for the nation and furthermore caused the ordinary citizens to feel like they have a spot in today society. On the off chance that it was simply rich individuals running the nation, the rich individuals would do exactly what was beneficial for them and not for everybody. That way, the needy individuals get an opportunity in the general public that was so difficult to control. Subjugation was not chilled off during his administration, yet it didn't deteriorate at any rate. Jackson demonstrated a solid administration during his term and lead America a decent way to follow. Some of the time America needs an adjustment in Rich versus Poor presidents. Reference index 1. Future Vision Multimedia Infopedia 2. The Internet 3. New Multimedia Encyclopedia
College Essay Prompts - Tips on How to Write Them
<h1>College Essay Prompts - Tips on How to Write Them</h1><p>Are you preparing to compose your FSU school article brief? I am happy you're here. You are searching for certain tips on the best way to approach composing your paper brief. It's an extreme one, and in case you don't know how to compose it, you ought to get somebody who is, and have them tell you the best way to do it.</p><p></p><p>Writing a school article brief can be very troublesome, particularly with regards to exposition prompts. The motivation behind why is on the grounds that they are short articles, and the understudies will in general get a little diverted when they begin rounding out their prompts, and afterward they disregard the paper they need to compose. They are thinking about all the intriguing stuff that they have learned in school that day, and when they recollect it, it is really the absolute last thing they have to think about.</p><p></p><p& gt;The most ideal approach to traverse a school paper brief is to have an author companion or somebody that realizes how to compose. They can assist you with a great deal of things, yet particularly with school exposition prompts. Be that as it may, before they will take on a school paper brief, they should know a smidgen about your point. Along these lines, they can assist you with research and layout the key focuses that you have to cover.</p><p></p><p>Of course, so as to have the option to compose a school article brief, you should see how the framework functions. The framework is straightforward, and it will make it a lot simpler for you to compose. You can discover this framework on the web, or by conversing with somebody who definitely realizes how to compose school essays.</p><p></p><p>When you arrive at the purpose of composing your school article brief, it can turn out to be very overwhelming. There are various words, ideas, a nd words that you need to remember. Despite the fact that you may be certain that you are doing everything that is required, it will even now be difficult to plunk down and record each one of those things, and you may wind up not recollecting that them. That is the place another person can support you, and help you recall what you have to compose about.</p><p></p><p>You can discover individuals who can assist you with your school exposition brief, regardless of whether it is on the web or at a school. On the off chance that you might want to figure out how to compose school expositions, you ought to consider exploiting the assets that are accessible. In the event that you are experiencing difficulty composing your article, you should search for help. There are numerous assets accessible online for you to exploit. You should look at a portion of the locales that offer this service.</p><p></p><p>Of course, in the event that you need some assistance with your school paper brief, don't stress. There are a wide range of assets accessible that can assist you with the subtleties of composing a school paper brief. There are additionally numerous individuals who will compose school expositions for understudies, and they will even assistance you with your article brief. Truth be told, you could even recruit them to compose your school exposition brief for you.</p><p></p><p>Your objective is to figure out how to compose a school paper brief. You can begin by exploiting the assets that are accessible on the web. You can discover school exposition prompts that you can use to compose, or you can compose your own, on the off chance that you are somewhat scared by composing school papers. There are a wide range of assets online that will assist you with this, and numerous individuals will be glad to help you.</p>
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Proposal Essay Topics
<h1>Proposal Essay Topics</h1><p>Exercising the abilities you learned recorded as a hard copy a proposition can be a great groundwork for submitting it to a school. The accompanying instances of proposition articles can help you in your own composing experience.</p><p></p><p>One case of a proposition subject is 'The Future of Education.' A theme like this may set aside you some effort to explore, however is certainly justified regardless of the exertion. You ought to put in a couple of days investigating the absolute most significant changes presently occurring in training so you know about what has been happening.</p><p></p><p>For a point by point investigation of the subject, you should consider doing an assessment exposition, which is an incredible method to write your musings down. You could review a speculative circumstance that a future understudy would need to run over and manage. This would assist you with figu ring thoughts and inquiries regarding the subject and furthermore give you something to compose about.</p><p></p><p>When inspecting your theme, remember to inquire as to whether your composing style is worthy to a school educator. Ask yourself how they would see your scholastic way to deal with the theme. Additionally, inquire as to whether you can introduce an elegantly composed contention, and on the off chance that you can come to a meaningful conclusion, does it sound persuading? When you have responded to these inquiries, you can be sure you have composed an enticing proposal.</p><p></p><p>When you think you have come to your meaningful conclusion, you should examine the upsides and downsides of your contention. Additionally, you should contrast your contention with other people who have composed on a similar point. Composing a persuading contention resembles putting forth a hermetically sealed defense for why you merit a spot in a scholastic program.</p><p></p><p>An extra one of a kind component you should consider is adding an individual point of view to your theme. Here, you will have the option to show the shrouded side of you. It will likewise permit you to interface with the peruser more. You ought to likewise include some broad data about yourself or the sort of school you are applying to.</p><p></p><p>Using these instances of proposition article themes won't just assistance you in thinking of thoughts for your proposition, however they can likewise make your experience a progressively charming one. The more you get ready for composing a proposition, the better your odds are of succeeding. Truth be told, in the event that you follow these tips, you can expect a positive result from your research.</p>
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
College Essay Question Prompt
<h1>College Essay Question Prompt</h1><p>Are you stuck in a school paper question brief predicament? The appropriate response is yes! Here's a straightforward article you can use to help you out.</p><p></p><p>There is a particular school exposition question brief you can use to help you through it. To make it somewhat simpler, I'll give you a few hints. Obviously, these tips are not a substitute for individual mentoring or an instructor.</p><p></p><p>One of the best things you can do is to give the understudy a rundown of essential statistical data points to help their contention. These realities will be upheld up with proof that underpins their case. What's more, the proof ought to be sponsored up with explicit reasons why the data is important.</p><p></p><p>The key to composing the exposition question brief is to consider it to be an inquiry. There are numerous understudies out there who are s et up to compose a powerful contention. They truly feel they are by and large astute when they concoct a contention that they can't substantiate.</p><p></p><p>In request to keep away from this snare, it's essential to be a powerful understudy. Try not to be hesitant to pose inquiries, and ensure you challenge your teacher also. You ought not spare a moment to debate anything the individual in question says.</p><p></p><p>This doesn't mean you shouldn't have proof support up your cases. You'll simply need to think of proof that shows how you can back up your cases with valid justifications. On the off chance that you can't think of valid justifications, I would propose you return to the planning phase and make sense of what you have to do.</p><p></p><p>You may need to recruit an accomplished exposition essayist. Or on the other hand, in the event that you need something progressively customized, you can draft your own exposition utilizing the school article question brief format and afterward print it out for your own reference.</p>
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Essay Bio Samples - A Way to Improve Your Drafting
<h1>Essay Bio Samples - A Way to Improve Your Drafting</h1><p>Essay bio tests can end up being a significant instrument when you are composing or reexamining an exposition. It will show you a ton of things, one of which is that it is a powerful and extraordinary approach to grow your insight in your subject. Composing isn't equivalent to perusing or tuning in, for that matter.</p><p></p><p>Literature and its investigation is a long, tedious undertaking. It is substantially more hard to peruse writing than it is to understand verse, and it's a lot harder to gain proficiency with another subject like writing than it is to figure out how to play the piano. Composing can be hard, yet there are no total hard cutoff points. On the off chance that you simply continue through the procedure and continue attempting, you will in the end show signs of improvement at it.</p><p></p><p>Let's investigate some article bio tests. So as to improve your paper or draft, have a go at expounding on something identified with your subject. The main thing you have to do is to compose a summation of your composing experience. Only a smidgen of this examination can hugy affect your future endeavors.</p><p></p><p>Remember that your experience as an author is still new in your psyche. In this way, consider subjects that are intriguing and pertinent to the things you are expounding on, and afterward expound on them.</p><p></p><p>Remember that each author has a story. You should simply to recollect how you got to where you are currently and how you got to where you need to go.</p><p></p><p>The most straightforward approach to do this is to record your encounters. You need to enlighten yourself regarding how you began composing, what kinds of books you read, what sorts of stories you preferred, and what makes a decent story. Rundown everything down recorded as a hard copy and afterward when you have completed, return and re-read them.</p><p></p><p>As you are perusing and contemplating these exposition bio tests, attempt to make a rundown of what you like and aversion about your work. This will assist you with deciding how you can improve your composition and furthermore control you in building up your composing style.</p>
Monday, July 6, 2020
Hsbc infrastructure company - Free Essay Example
HSBC Infrastructure Company The company in consideration is HSBC Infrastructure Company or HSBC Investments or known as HICL in the industry circuit. The company is a relatively new company in the sector and was launched on 29 March 2006. The company is basically dedicated to Private Finance initiative investments and is a part of FTSE 250 Index. It is headed by Mr. Graham Picken. It has a rare accomplishment of being the only infrastructure investment company to be listed on London Stock Exchange. Initially the company offered a portfolio of 15 infrastructure projects that had long term concessions based on source of revenues and availability based. The assets that the company holds are primarily operational with the portfolio comprising of 31 investments. The head-quarters of the company are in Guernsey, a British crown dependency located in the English Channel. To maintain and enhance the value of the company for the investors, the asset managers play a key role by actively participating in the management of projects. Regarding the value enhancement of the investment, it all depends on the performance of these projects and includes management of revenue opportunities, cost savings, financial efficiencies and treasury management. The group believes that it is practical to focus on every new investment opportunity with almost same revenue and risk associated comparable to the existing portfolio. Below, the chart shows the performance of the company in the stock market since i ts opening in March 2006. YIELD CURVE ANALYSIS A yield curve is a curve that represents a relationship between maturity of coupon bearing bonds and their yield to maturity. This means that it depicts the yields that are obtainable in relation to various bonds, bills or notes on their maturity. (Grandville, 2001) Generally, these curves are upward sloping as the investors who invest for short period have a safe investment against that of a long term investor who has to face a world full of uncertainties for quite a lot of time. Thus, they are offered risk premiums so as to persuade them to invest for long time. (Vanhorne Wackowicz, 2008) Depending upon the behavior of the market, the central banks and the attitude of the investors and their predictions, there are different shapes that can be taken by a yield curve. One of the most common type of yield curve is an upward sloping (or more generally called as positive curve) in which yield increases as the maturity of the bond increases. Apart from the most common one, other shapes that are prevalent occasionally are of three types. An inverted yield curve (or a downward sloping curve) is the one in which yield does not increase with the maturity time. Another type of yield curve is a humped yield curve which has ups and downs along the line as the maturity grows. And, in the end, there is a flat shaped yield curve. In this type of yield curve, all the maturities have the same yield irrespective of the time frame. A humped and a flat yield curve shows that the investors are uncertain of the market behavior. (Fabozzi, Mann Choudhry, 2003) The UK Yield curve that is under consideration has been dated on 12th December 2009. The UK curve exhibits all different types of yield curves. In the beginning, for a 1-month treasury note, the interest rate that is applicable is 0.47%. And, a 3-month treasury note has a interest rate of 0.47% while a 6-month note would give returns at the rate of 0.49%. As the trend can be seen, the curve gives almost the same return for a 1-month to 6-month treasury notes. This type of yield curve is a flat shaped yield curve. This shows that the investors are unsure of the economy in the near future and have very less expectations. Also, it indicates stable interest rates in the near future i.e. lending rate by the bank of England is not likely to increase in the near future and the economy is tightened by the government. The interest rate paid on a 2-year maturity bill is 1.23%, and on a 3-year maturity bill is 1.69%. While a 5-year bill has a return of 2.69% and a 10-year bond has a return of 3.88%. This period has seen a sharp rise in the predicted yields of an investment in the economy. It indicates that the investors would like to be paid an extra risk premium for blocking their money for such a long time. This is due to the level of uncertainty and increased chances of the investment being sunk. Investors anticipate a growth in the economy in this period as the country has just come out of recession and the government is taking all possible measures to get rid of this devil. Also, investors anticipate the inflation rates to increase rather than decrease. This is due to the fact that if the inflation rates increase, then the central bank has to squeeze the monetary policy by increasing the short term rate of interests. This is done so as to slower the economic growth of the nation and reduce the pressure of inflation over the market. Post this 10 year period, it can be seen that the interest rates have again come to a flat position or to be more precise a bit of inverted in the end. This can be due to the fact that the investors are not expecting any further increase in the inflation rates in the near future. So, if the expectations are of inflation levels being low in the future, then the investors would get a lower premium for their investments for a longer period. Another aspect of the same story can be the expectation of no increase in the interest rates by the central bank. Also, one of the more probabilistic chances are that UK being a developed nation, other countries might jump in to buy the treasury notes and bonds. In the past, Central banks of developing nations have jump in to buy the long term bonds of developed nations. This then leads to a flat yield as the demand in the market for the bonds is huge. Another concern being that the most hated word, recession, can again come into play as the economy is seen to be heading towards another situation where liquidation problem may arise and the interest rates are again seen going down or coming to a halt. PART-B: On study of HICL, 50 day moving average for past 3 years i.e. since its launching in the stock market, No. of signals generated = 14 No. of buy signals = 7 No. of sell signals = 7 Thus, ratio of positive returns/ total signals = 7/14 = 0.5 The ratio is exactly 0.5 i.e. the chances are even that the investment made by following the 50-day moving average method would yield a return. A moving average is a interesting tool used to depict the trend of the share prices in consideration. It is generally helpful in order to invest in a market where the share price of the stock is fluctuating. A moving average trend is the summation of closing price of the shares divided by the no. of days in consideration. In simple words, it is the average of the closing stock prices of the company in relation to the number of days. (Edwards, Magee and Bassetti, 2001) The fundamental rule to invest by following a 50 day moving average is to generate a buy signal, when the share prices line cuts the moving average curve from below. While, a sell signal is generated when the share prices of the concerned company cuts the moving average from above. Moving averages are helpful when the trading conditions for the shares are favorable, i.e. smooth trends, but mostly they attract the investors to make losses by investing through study of a moving average trend. (Stewart, 1996) One of the main problems with the moving average method is that it can be unpredictable at times. It reacts to any piece of information twice i.e. once, when any new information is added to draw the curve ahead and secondly, when the last information is dropped off from the moving average curve. This means, that if the last information is a high price, then the moving average would move down. While, in case, if the last price is a low price, then the moving average is likely to move up, irrespective of the share price of the new day that has been added to draw the moving average curve. Another drawback of the method is that they tend to delay the attitude of the market. This is the price that the investors in the market are ready to pay due to the smoothening effect of the curve. The primary application of the moving curve is to provide the user (investor in this case) a visual aid to show the trend of the market. Another important aspect of this process is when the share price in the market tends to fall below the curve of moving average. This signal is important and should not be ignored especially when dealing with the long term calculation of the share prices. One of the main risks associated with this technique is that the investors tend to be whipsawed i.e. suppose, when the market falls below the moving average and a sell signal is created. But, then immediately or within a short frame of time, the share price tends to rise up again and thus generating a buy signal. By this case, the conclusion must be clear that this is a not so reliable method to invest i n the market. (Dagnino, 2001) This process of being whipsawed has been commonly prevalent in our case i.e. HSBC infrastructure company. This has happened 4 times i.e. when the share line crosses the moving average line from top, a sell signal was created but then all of a sudden or within a really short time frame, a buy signal was created. This further confuses the investors as the sell and buy signals are created back to back. One of the primary drawbacks of the moving average method is that it essentially tends to miss out the turning points i.e. when an important event has occurred due to which the share price of the share tend to fall immediately like fraud being visible, change in management, new project announcement or some other key information. Then, this method tends to immediately react to all this informations as the data in consideration is of 50 days and it takes a couple of days to react to this information. Or, if by chance, there is a bad news for the company and the market sees a sudden fall in the prices of shares, then the curve takes some time to react to this piece of information. A moving average trend method comes with certain drawbacks and its advantages. The method is very easy to calculate and too simple to understand. It does not require any special understanding of higher order mathematics or any special financial theory. But, one of the main drawbacks is that the method is not reliable as it uses the previous data available in the market. This method cannot be used to indicate the crests and troughs of the stock price in consideration. Since, the method deals with historically available data, so it can better are termed as a trend following indicator rather than trend indicator which it is supposed to be. Another factor in consideration should be the market behavior, i.e. if the market or a particular stock is behaving in a particular trend then this method might be of some use. But, if in case the market is moving without any particular trend, then this method can turn out to is a big failure leading to the collapse of investors portfolio or his inve stment. ANNEXURES: Grandville, O, Bond pricing and portfolio analysis: protecting investors in long run, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001 Vanhorne, J, Wachowicz, J, Fundamentals of financial management, Pearson education limited, 2008 Fabozzi, F, Mann, S, Choudhry, M; Measuring and controlling interest rates and credit risk, John Wiley and sons, 2003 Edwards, R D, Magee, J, Bassetti, W, Technical analysis of stock trends, CRC press, 2001 Stewart,T ,How charts can make you money: technical analysis for investors, Woodhead publishing, 1996 Dagnino, G,Profiting in bull or bear markets, McGraw hill, 2001
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